You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2018.

Another summer on the Court is nearing an end.  The weather has been cool these last few weeks and the cats are busy policing the court, looking for the occasional mouse or mole that attempts to settle here.  Blutto

Mr. Big (resident Maine Coon) is showing a bit of his age these days.  At 10 he’d be comparable to a human age of 56; no longer as energetic as he was when he first arrived here.  Like the other feline residents here, Mr. Big tends to sleep 18 or so hours a day.  Also have noticed that he is becoming a house cat now; not spending much time outside; prefers to watch the world from the comfort of the front window.

The cranky old torti will celebrate her 15th birthday in a week. She goes out occasionally to remind the younger cats that she is still the alpha and commands some respect.  Occasionally she’ll ask to be let out on the porch and will find her way around to the backyard, offering Precoous at 15advice to the younger cats while inspecting the fence, reviewing the kittens and complaining about the finches that congregate outside her window.  When satisfied that all is in order, she waits by the back door to be let back in.  She will sit on the kitchen floor and give me a full report on what she has seen.  She has taken to giving me long narratives, sometimes meowing in sentences of 5 to 10 seconds; a conversation may take 10 minutes until she’s talked out.

The feral community that lives on the other side of the fence is still with us, visiting daily for a handout and a nap on the chairs under the tree.  The population continues to shrink; a year ago there were 21 cats and now there are 11 remaining.  We did get a number of new kitties back in May but some were ‘kidnapped’ by the humans while a few just disappeared.

It’s time to start trapping again as there are 2 older females that have not been T-N-R’d.  Would like to fix the recent arrivals as well.

Have been asked about domesticating the ferals and giving them a chance at a home but, after some research and many attempts to get close to them, these ferals are not about to become someoMeal Timene’s pet.  As they are very social and have strong relationships within the colony, they don’t seem interested in getting close to us.

I’ve watched the adults when the kittens are about; 2 or 3 of the older cats will be close at hand, keeping an eye on the little ones.  It looks like they take turns watching and teaching the young cats how to bathe, fight and hunt.

The colony spends their days enjoying the sun, the naps and an occasional meal here.  They do not mix with the resident cats; it is as if they know they are just visitors and at some point will move on.  Ferals come and go.

Mean while Precious has just woke up from a nap and demands fresh food in the bowl.  I guess when you’re that age, you can pretty much get what you want.